If you don’t have an account yet, you can request one by contacting us: info@e-oppi.fi and we will send an invitation to you.
You can change the language from Finnish to English at the bottom of any page in Opiq.
Log in to Opiq at https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/Account/Login. You have to use Opiq button when logging in, but you can connect MPASS or Google authentication to your Opiq account later: Click your name in the top right-hand corner → My settings → Connections with external user accounts.
If you already have registered with MPASS, ask us to activate the teacher’s license.
Teacher’s materials are included in “For the teacher” chapters.
Create a course
Click the numbers in the pictures to navigate between different views!
After creating a course, your new course will be found on the Tasks and courses tab.
Adding pupils to a course
Open the Tasks and courses tab. Click on the cover of the course book you created and go to its Settings tab.
- Activate the pupils’ licenses. Click the Configure adding license button, select the right license and finally click Activate adding a license.
- Joining with a code
This method is highly recommended especially if you use MPASS identification, have a large number of pupils and/or several groups. Click on the green Activate joining with code button and copy the code into the Student instructions below sent or shown to the group.
If you don’t use MPASS, students also need a school code when finalizing their accounts. The teacher can find the school code on Opiq by clicking on his or her name in the top right-hand corner and clicking School settings.
Please note that students can register by using MPASS or e-mail, but not with both.
Student’s instructions
Guide your students depending on whether your school uses MPASS, Google or just email. If students already have accounts, you can skip A parts. You can copy or show template messages below.
Account by MPASS and joining a course
A) If you do not already have an Opiq account, create an account = register here: https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/NewUser.
- Select ”I do not have an Opiq account, I want to create it”.
- Accept the terms and conditions of the service.
- Select ”Create an account using MPASSid” and go on.
B) Joining a course (start here if you already have an account).
- Login to Opiq at https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/Account/Login by using MPASS button.
- Click on the ”Join a course” link on the home page and enter the joining code XXXXXXXX in the text box that appears. Click on the green ”Join course” button. (the teacher will fill in the code)
Account by e-mail and joining a course
A) If you do not already have an Opiq account, create an account = register here: https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/NewUser.
- Select ”I do not have an Opiq account, I want to create it”.
- Accept the terms and conditions of the service.
- Select ”Create an account using e-mail” and fill in the requested information. Your school code is XXXXXXXXX.
- Also remember to check the box that reads ”I am not a robot”.
- Finally, click on ”Create Opiq account and join a school”. You will now receive a registration link via e-mail.
- Create an account using the link in your e-mail. Your email address will be your username, and you will create a password yourself.
B) Joining a course (start here if you already have an account).
- Login to Opiq at https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/Account/Login by using Opiq button.
- Click on the ”Join a course” link on the home page and enter the joining code XXXXXXXX in the text box that appears. Click on the green ”Join course” button. (the teacher will fill in the code)
Account by Google and joining a course
A) If you do not already have an Opiq account, create an account = register here: https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/NewUser.
- Select ”I do not have an Opiq account, I want to create it”.
- Accept the terms and conditions of the service.
- Select ”Create an account using Google” and fill in the requested information. Your school code is XXXXXXXXX.
- Check your personal information and click the Create Opiq account and connection button.
Joining a course (start here if you already have an account)
- Login to Opiq at https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/Account/Login by using Google button.
- Click on the ”Join a course” link on the home page and enter the joining code XXXXXXXX in the text box that appears. Click on the green ”Join course” button. (the teacher will fill in the code)
Adding pupils manually with Add or edit pupils (3.)
This is another way to add pupils to your course. On the Settings page for a course, click on the Add or edit pupils button. Fill in the pupil’s details and click Add pupils. An invitation to the platform is sent automatically to the new pupil’s email.
If you add pupils to the course manually, you do not need to give the template/example message and codes. The invitation contains a link to register by creating an Opiq account. After completing the registration, the pupil will be automatically added to the correct school and course. Later the student log in to the platform at https://e-oppi.opiq.fi/Account/Login using the Opiq button.
Pupils have to use Opiq button when logging in, but they can connect MPASS or Google authentication to their Opiq accounts later: Click the name in the top right-hand corner – Settings – Connections with external user accounts.
No automatic invitation will be sent to previous users of Opiq, but the course will appear on their Opiq homepage. The teacher can send invitation again if needed (expires after 7 days). You can find the Resend invitation button on the Settings page for a course when you first click Add or edit pupils.
Archive or hide the course
The teacher can archive the course, in which case it will also be removed from the front page of both other teachers and students of the course. Once the course is archived, it cannot be used in teaching. After this, the course can be found in the archive view, which can be accessed from the More options link in the Courses module on the front page. However, the course can be restored from the archive for teaching use in its settings view. The teacher can also just hide the course from his own home page. This does not affect the front page view of other teachers or students of the course.
Functions in digital books
All functions within the book are visible to both the teacher and the pupil. If the teacher adds their own material to the book using the Add own content function, this addition will also appear in the pupil’s book.
The colour highlights and comments made to the text are specific to the user account, i.e. they are visible only to the user who made them. All editing functions are also book-specific, which means that they also appear in courses created later.
The artificial intelligence-assisted More like this feature can be used to find content on the same topic in our different textbooks. By using this function, the users have access to our whole library of textbooks from different subjects via links.
The digital book can be navigated with Opiq’s own buttons in addition to the browser’s back button. The Navigation buttons in the upper right corner show a list of both the chapter and its tasks, as well as a shortcut button, e.g., to move from the chapter to the tasks and vice versa. Use the arrow keys to move between chapters. The left-pointing arrow in the upper left corner always takes you to a higher level in the hierarchy.
Exercise kit
Pupils do not automatically see exercises which are in the book’s exercise kit. The teacher can easily share exercises to pupils or assign a separate set of tasks. There are also some exercises inside study kits and those are visible to pupils too.
Use the Assign task tool for exercises you want to review, comment, and/or rate and resubmit as an assignment for correction. Exercises you have created yourself must also be shared with this tool. You can assign tasks to all or only some pupils. These assigned tasks will be also notified on the student’s home page. The pupil can do, save and then submit all tasks in the set at the same time. The teacher can give evaluation with buttons, make comments and then publish results to pupils with the Disclose score button or send them back for reassignment. Please note that the evaluation method can be changed, and the percentage score is only the default setting.
TIP: You can also compile sets of tasks from exercises found in different chapters.
(With the Share with pupils tool, you can quickly publish all exercises for the pupils to see and solve. The pupil can find these exercises in the table of contents view by chapter from the number button indicating their number. The pupil can do, save and submit exercises one by one, but cannot edit answers after sending them to the teacher. However, the teacher can only see a summary of the answers (both for individual pupils and the whole group) but cannot view the pupils’ individual answers. Pupils will see the correct answers to the automatically corrected tasks when they have submitted their answers to the teacher.)
Teacher’s view
Pupil’s view
The student can see all the tasks within a chapter and can complete them as many times as they like. The correct answers are displayed after two attempts. In German course books, exercises can be found in the Übungen chapters.
Exercises shared by the teacher are found via the book’s table of contents view (1). The numbers next to the title of each chapter serve as links to these shared exercises. The exercises can be completed one by one and submitted to the teacher, but submitted answers cannot be corrected afterwards. After submitting the exercises, the student will see the correct answers for the automatically checked exercises.
Assigned exercises that the teacher considers important can be found on the Tasks tab (2), and will also provide shortcuts to the student’s home page. The exercises assigned as a task should be completed one by one, and finally submitted to the teacher for assessment. The submitted task can be requested to be sent back for revision. The teacher can also re-assign the task to the student.
Using the license after leaving school
It is possible to use the 60-month license even after finishing high school. Before the end of school, the student must change his username from the school e-mail to his own personal e-mail.
Change a username by clicking on your name in the upper right corner → Settings → Change username. Your personal e-mail address must be added to the field and then click Send confirmation to e-mail address. The change will then be finalised using the link in the email. If the course is not visible on the homepage, it can be found in the archive: Click the Archive button on the homepage. The courses can also be accessed through the library, if the license is valid.
Below, we have compiled answers to some questions that we get the most often.