e-Oppi’s learning materials are designed in line with the goals and requirements of the Finnish educational system, widely recognized as one of the most successful in the world.

Our focus is on the natural sciences, and our goal is to make our subjects easy to teach and learn. e-Oppi seeks to achieve these goals through an effective, motivating approach and the best modern digital tools. 

While our learning materials are made in line with the Finnish curriculum, our approach to the subjects is well suited for international audiences. We are happy to make adjustments, and our learning materials can be tailored to suit local educational systems and curricula.

We have experience in making localisations of our publications for several countries and different cultures as well as happy customers on several continents.

We are always happy to discuss bringing our learning materials to new schools and adapting them to different educational needs. Get in touch, and we’ll offer a perfect solution for your school.

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We would be happy to hear from you by e-mail or phone.