e-Oppi’s digital books are modern learning materials that effectively harness the power of the digital world for educational purposes. Our books are used on the high-quality and reliable Opiq platform, which is widely used in Europe.
Our learning materials are illustrative and of high quality, and we are proud to offer teachers the widest range of supplementary teacher’s materials on the market with every order. Our unique teacher’s licence allows our customers to use an entire multidisciplinary digital library in addition to their course books.
Here you can find out more about the clever features and high quality content of our e-books, and get inspired to teach or learn digitally!
Works on all devices
e-Oppi’s digital books work on all devices, from computers to tablets and mobile phones. Our learning materials are always accessible, so you can use them on school trips and when travelling. You can also always use the same familiar book, even if the device you are using changes.
Our learning materials work directly in the browser, so they are always easy to access. There is no need to install any software to use the books. However, the Opiq app is also available for mobile users of our books in Finland. The app has its own version for devices running on Android and iOS platforms.
Convenient functions
Our modern, easy-to-use platform supports learning and teaching. For example, the teacher and students can highlight text and make notes in their own books with the help of convenient functions.
You can listen to the text of our digital books using the built-in audiobook feature. If you like, you can also add your own content to the book. For example, you can add additional local content by importing files directly to the chapters of the book.
Versatile exercises
e-Oppi’s digital books always include a wide selection of different types of exercises. The books contain basic exercises that cover the essential skills, more challenging tasks for advanced learners, as well as exercises that require students to apply various kinds of information. The exercises are built in accordance with the Finnish curriculum and its goals for each subject and school level.
Completing exercises in a modern digital book is motivating and effective. The exercises run alongside the theory and activate learning, and the automatically corrected exercises give immediate feedback on success. After completing the exercises, it is also possible to study the correct answers and further strengthen your skills.
Analytics and evaluation
The Opiq platform also includes practical tools for monitoring and evaluating student progress. The platform’s clear and informative views make it easy to monitor students’ work, both individually and as a group.
Evaluating student performance is also easy on the platform. Many of the exercises are checked automatically, and the sample answers provided make it easy to check the answers together with the students. It is also possible to comment on students’ performance. Different evaluation methods can be chosen, from percentages to grades and formative evaluations.
Illustrative content
In e-Oppi’s multimedia-rich digital books, phenomena come to life through videos, 360° images, 3D models and interactive content. With our books, you can learn and teach by listening, watching, researching and experimenting.
The possibilities of the digital world make phenomena easy to understand while making the learning process interesting and motivating for the student. For example, various chemical and physical phenomena can be studied experimentally through simulations. In biology, the traits of living organisms are easy to grasp through 3D models and animations. In geography, 360 images allow you to explore different kinds of environments around the world.
Our high-quality digital content activates learning, teaches through experimentation and experience, and makes it easy to build knowledge. Even the most challenging content can be seen and understood in a whole new way with modern digital materials!
Additional features
With our full license, you get access to our entire digital library, and at the same time you can use the platform’s advanced functions effectively. For example, the teacher’s license allows access to not just the course books for the particular classes they are teaching, but also to all the other books in our digital library.
Opiq’s search function covers all books in the digital library, regardless of grade and subject. The function makes it easy to search for reliable information, and it offers great opportunities, for example, utilizing the function in creating various tasks for the students.
The unique, AI-based “More like this” feature within the book can be used to display content related to the studied topic. The feature lists links to both easier and more advanced content on the same topic within the same subject and in other subjects. The feature makes it easy to tailor learning to the student’s individual level, while also making multidisciplinary learning almost automatic.